Notes will be updated shortly.
July Bottle #1, Tasting Notes will be updated shortly.
Location: Mike Bridgeman’s place 147 Lyndhurst Drive Kitchener
Food: Mike, Mark, Frank
Tasters: Posted to the BBM wire, looks delicious
2 Tiered Trial Run: $30 if you want the 60’s, $20 for the tasters, will have 1 60 of Whisky per 5 people who want that option, bring your own mix we will have ice and cups available
- August ET Meeting/Cook off… looking for attendance, teams, budget, BBQ Sandwich Theme…location Ryan Bester’s new place
- Jameson’s tasting lined up and confirmed a go for September 29, 2018, will discuss location, details and # of tasters…this will be no charge for the club
- Hamilton ti-cats game update for Sept 15th, tickets/transportation
- Golf tournament wrap up
- Treasurery Report
- Lotto Updates
- Raffle Bottle
- Logo Updates and this years apparel
- Paintball Updates
Host Tamara Maurer
- Taster Signatory Vintages Port Dundas 1991 26 Year Old Cask Strength 58% Bottle # 34 of 236, Tamara to review
- Prospect introduced Lee Snetsinger, welcome good sir!
- Changes to E-board, going forward for the remainder of the year Tom Suliman will be the treasurer and Josh will assume roll of special events, both Josh and Toms positions are up for renewal in January.
- Tom spoke of sending out spreadsheets going forward with financials, there will be one attached to these notes
- Opening treasurer report $2084, dues in $330, Ryan’s paintball 20$, taster cost 262, raffle bottle 33$.
- Frank asked to see comparable from month to month
- Frank re-joined the club, welcome back sir
- Ryan talked about the golf tourney and tee times to be sent out later in week.
- Tom talked about lotto and getting permanent list together
- It was brought to the club on getting rid of the prospect sticker. Club voted to remove rule
- Josh informed the club that there is no box for the ti-cats game, Chad to check into tickets, and Adam said he would check with his brother in-law about a bus.
- Josh has lined up a Jameson’s tasting, it was suggested to have a meeting before the tasting this time. Starting at 7;00pm then the tasting at 9pm
- August 26th there we bill a cook-off to take place at Ryan’s house in Heidelberg, Best BBQ sandwich is the challenge.
- Next meeting to take place at Bridgman’s house on July 27th
- On food next month Mike, Mark, Frank
- A two tiered dues system is being tried. If you wanna drink 60s it will cost you 30$, if not it will cost 20$. Members to let eboard know if they will be drinking 60s. 1 bottle for every five people
- Bridgeman, Luke, Tamara and Lee said they want to drink sixty next meeting
… home of the Whisky connoisseur