Category Archives: News

Glenfiddich Tasting Review

On February 26th, Expensive Taste KW was graced with the presence of Glenfiddich and taken on a tasting tour of a variety of the drams available, and a special rare cask Storas 21.






For anyone that hasn’t tried any of the Glenfiddich bottles I suggest you go out and purchase one of these fine batches. Whether it’s the beginner level 12 year old or a rare hard to find 21 year old Stòras with only 4,600 bottles produced I promise you, you won’t be disappointed.

12 year Review
Nose:  A nice scent of fruits mixed with a hint of caramel. Although a little dry, it has crisp earthy tones with next to no smoke scent.

Pallet:   It has a thin, watery body to it which flows very well down the throat.  Slight taste of pear with very mild oak and vanilla flavorings makes this a very easy drinker.

Finish:  The finish is a little sweet but has a long, smooth and mellow taste that makes me want to indulge more frequently. Great overall bottle, especially for the price.

15 year Review
  This 15yr old has an amazing smell of honey and vanilla mixed with rich dark fruits that all blend beautifully together.

Pallet:  The pallet is smooth with hints of sherry, cinnamon and vanilla which give it a full body of bursting unforgettable flavor.

Finish:  The finish is definitely anything but bitter. With a taste of faint dried fruits, a little nuttiness and almost a shortbread lingering, this 15yr old is satisfyingly rich in sweetness and is one of my all-time favorites.

18 year Review
  A rich aroma of fruit, oak, hint of apple and a slight whiff of sherry make this an amazing kick to the nose for a batch that has been in casks for 18 years.

Pallet:   The taste delivers rich, elegant flavors you could only expect from an 18 year old.  Strong hazelnut and pecan flavorings mixed with fruit and honey make this an exceptional year.

Finish:  Medium finish but very warm and inviting. Leaves a savory, distinguished taste at the back of your throat. Glenfiddich knew what they were doing with this batch.

The Original – 63 Review
  A great mixture of vanilla, sweet honey, berries, dry fruit and a touch of oakiness makes this original flow nicely with the senses. Also has the strongest scent of these 5 reviews.

Pallet:  Starts soft and sweet with notes of caramel and honey, then dips into Smokey oak with just a touch of peat, citrus and spices.

Finish:  Has the finish Glenfiddich is known for but enough character to keep it interesting and deliciously dry. Great bottle.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Hi all,

I just wanted to send a quick note from your President wishing everyone a Merry Christmas (yes I said Merry Christmas to all you politically correct people out there that say Happy Holidays) and a very Happy New Year as well.  I personally can’t wait for the 8 year anniversary party scheduled for January 30th at Nicks place where we will most definetly taste our most expensive bottle ever which will also end up being our 100th taster!!

Congratulations to all members for making it this far, cheers to many more to come.

I look forward to the coming year with guided tastings scheduled and our regular special events of the golf tournament, camping, cook-off, and the annual Halloween bash still in the fold.

Without dedicated members this club would not be what it is today so a huge Thank You to my Eboard for all of their hard work this year and to everyone else who may have played a role in the success of the club this past year.

And on a side note the following people still owe money from the bottle auction which must be submitted to the Treasurer on or before January 1st, 2016. Rico -$45, Tamara -$50, Josh C -$90, Chad -$2, and Ryan B -$112.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Your President,

Adam Buchholtz

Garage Sale Success

Just a quick note to all the members who participated in the ET garage sale this year to say great work!!  The enthusiasm and dedication to the cause were quite evident after our record sales day.  Since the club did so well we have decided to make a donation to Kidsability KW in the amount of $200.00.  This charity was chosen by Tamara’s winning team.  Congratulations to Team Tamara  on a job well done and good work to Josh’s team for a valiant effort.